Intensive Rehabilitation

Intensive Rehabilitation

Current rehabilitation science suggests that intensive rehabilitation leads to a functional improvement in as much as 98% of patients. The more a movement or functional task is performed, with intensity and purpose the more likely it is that functional capacity will return and improve. This is particularly important during the early weeks and months following an injury but good progress can be made years and even decades after an injury. For progressive conditions intensive therapy is beneficial for maintaining levels of function and quality of life. The intensity of the rehabilitation programme can be tailored to meet the individual needs of the patient to help manage fatigue.

To facilitate an intensive and targeted approach to regaining function we have developed 5 different packages of treatment to allow you to functionally train in an intensive manner. An assessment will first take place to determine what your individual needs are and to allow us to formulate your rehabilitation package ready for the first day of your treatment.

Our intensive packages consist of 75 hour’s worth of treatment split over a number of weeks, which will include robotic training or upper and lower limbs, anti-gravity Treadmill training, neuro rehabilitation gaming, gait training and education, postural and therapy training, balance and co-ordination training alongside traditional therapy sessions and strengthening. These sessions are divided up over a number of weeks to enable us to tailor the package to suit the individual needs and function abilities of each client. Our ‘Intensive Daily’ package allows you to train with us for the whole day.

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Rehabilitation Packages

Package 1

hours of treatment - 75

Number of weeks - 3

= 25 hrs per week (5 hrs per day)

Package 2

hours of treatment - 75

Number of weeks - 5

= 5hrs per day on 3 days per week

Package 3

hours of treatment - 75

Number of weeks - 6

= 2.5 hrs per day for 6 weeks

Package 4

hours of treatment - 75

Number of weeks - 10

= 2.5 hrs per day on 3 days per week

Package 5

hours of treatment - 5

Number of weeks - 1

Lexo Gait trainer arriving 16th September!

Lexo Gait trainer is a revolutionary robotic device enhancing gait therapy by increasing patient activity and ensuring faster, more effective rehabilitation.

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